Workshop on Internet of Things Applications
To be held in conjunction with
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Week 2012
April 16, 2012, Beijing, China
Twenty years ago, Mark Weiser published an article in Scientific
American foretelling a time when computers would become such an
integral part of our environment that we didn't notice them
anymore. The concept was coined "ubiquitous computing", which
today has inspired the "Internet of Things". The Internet of
Things envisions a world in which all the sensors and radio
devices will be connected to the Internet, and be readily accessible
to a wide range of applications. These sensors and radio devices
are usually attached to physical objects, thus providing a real-time,
interactive view of the physical world. Although much progress has
occurred at the system and sensor level, applications for these
platforms are considerably lagging behind. Without compelling and
exciting applications, the vision of the Internet of Things will
be hard to realize.
This workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers to present
thoughts and recent results that address the application void. We
are looking for application descriptions, experiences and evaluations
in a wide range of domains including, but not limited to homes,
offices, medical care, and vehicles. Particularly, we are interested
in identifying new applications that are made possible by the Internet
of Things, as well as new challenges these applications will pose to the
design of an Internet of Things.
The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to IoT applications
* Smart Homes
* Smart Offices
* Elder Care and Assisted living
* Vehicles and Transportation
* Hospitals and Healthcare
* Retail, Shopping, and supply chains
* Schools and Education
Important Dates:
paper submission deadline: Jan 30, 2012
notification of acceptance: Feb 20, 2012
camera ready deadline: March 12, 2012
General Chair:
Yanyong Zhang, Rutgers University
PC Chairs:
Rich Martin, Rutgers University
Marco Gruteser, Rutgers University
Steering Committee:
Liusheng Huang, Univ. of Sci & Tech China
Xiaoming Li, Peking University
Jie Wu, Temple University
Local Chair:
Hongju Gao, China Agricultural University
Program Committee:
Kaigui Bian, Peking University
Yih-Farn Chen, AT&T Research
Alvin Chin, Nokia Research Beijing
Hubertus Franke, IBM Research
Rich Howard, InPoint
Jun Li, Winlab, Rutgers University
Ling Liu, Georgia Tech
Rongke Liu, BUAA, China
Yunhao Liu, Tsinghua University
Emiliano Miluzzo, AT&T Research
Dale Seed, Interdigital
Mingliang Wang, Google
Qin Wang, Univ. of Sci & Tech Beijing
Kai Xing, Univ. of Sci & Tech China
Hongli Xu, Univ. of Sci & Tech China
Fan Ye, IBM Research
Ruixi Yuan, Tsinghua University
Zhenbo Zhu, IBM Research China
Paper Submission:
Please send your submission (in PDF format) to Chenren Xu
([email protected]). Your submission should not exceed 6 pages.