讲座主题:Recent Developments in GNSS Multipath Reflectometry
主讲人:Felipe Geremia Nievinski

主讲人简介:Felipe G. Nievinski is assistant professor of geodesy at the Federal University R.S. in Brazil. He earned his PhD in aerospace engineering sciences from the University of Colorado Boulder (USA) in 2013, obtained the Master of Science degree in geodesy from the University of New Brunswick (Canada) in 2009, and graduated as Bachelor of Geomatics Engineering from the Federal University R.S. in 2005. He has been active in the field of GPS and other Global Navigation Satellite Systems for the past ten years, with research focus on GNSS reflectometry (GNSS-R). Dr. Nievinski has received the distinguished Bradford W. Parkinson Award on Outstanding PhD Thesis in GNSS from the Institute of Navigation and was a recipient of the prestigious U.S. Foreign Fulbright Program. He serves currently in the editorial board of the journal GPS Solutions and as chair of the International Association of Geodesy working group on GNSS-R.