
皇家飞利浦 2011 校园招聘计划火热启动!
发布时间:2011-03-17   作者: 访问量:

皇家飞利浦 2011 校园招聘计划火热启动!


荷兰皇家飞利浦电子公司是一家健康舒适、优质生活的多元化公司,致力于通过及时地推出有意义的创新来改善人们的生活质量。作为全球医疗保健、优质生活和照明领域的领导者,飞利浦基于对客户需求的了解以及精于心 简于形的品牌承诺,将技术和设计融入到了以人为本的解决方案中。

总部位于荷兰的飞利浦公司在全球60多个国家拥有大约116, 000名员工,其2009年的销售额达230亿欧元,并在心脏监护、紧急护理和家庭医疗保健、节能照明解决方案和新型照明应用、以及针对个人舒适优质生活的平板电视、男性剃须和仪容产品、便携式娱乐产品以及口腔护理产品等领域均居于世界领先地位。

现飞利浦医疗保健事业部(Philips Healthcare Greater China)拟从2011年毕业生中招

1. 招聘职位: 医疗器械销售代表

招聘人数: 1

工作地点: 北京

Job Description:

-Be responsible for establishing good relationship with hospitals in different regions

-Carry out company’s market strategy and sales strategy; Complete the sales target and the product promotion program at responsible region

-Provide high-quality service to our customers in order to meet their requirements

-Manage and support the distributors to promote Philips’s healthcare products and define the sales plan

Job Requirement:

-Excellent communication skill and customer oriented

-Independent, hardworking and team player

-Capability to understand English industrial materials, CET-6 is a must

-Strong adaptability for new position and environment

-Can work under pressure

-Familiar with MS Office

-Willing to travel

2. 招聘职位: 售后服务工程师

招聘人数: 1

工作地点: 北京

Job Description:

-Own customer satisfaction & service quality KPIs for assigned account

-Provide service support to team members as required

-Develop and maintain good relationships with customers

-Plan and deliver assigned service to customers with high quality, including Corrective Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Installation and FCO

-Prepare and provide kinds of Service Report on an accurate and timely basis

-Attend training and develop relevant knowledge and skills

Job Requirement:

-Capability to solve service and technical issues from customers

-Independent, hardworking and team player

-Capability to understand English industrial materials, CET-6 is a must

-Good communication and influencing skill

-Strong adaptability for new position and environment

-Can work under pressure

-Familiar with MS Office

-Willing to travel



1. 优秀的客户服务问题和技术问题的解决能力

2. 较强的独立工作能力,敬业精神及团队合作意识

3. 优秀的英语听说读写能力,能熟练阅读英语专业资料

4. 熟练使用MS Office软件

5. 良好的沟通技巧和影响力

6. 承受压力,自我学习, 对新知识有较强的学习能力,能迅速适应新的岗位和环境

7. 适应经常出差工作。

有意者请将您的简历和照片,发送至:[email protected] 并请务必在email title上注明:申请 职位名称 您希望的工作地点"。请注意,工作地点必须注明,以便我们分简历。