
发布时间:2011-01-06   作者:院研工办 访问量:

Philips and Neusoft Medical Systems Co., Ltd. (PNMS) is a joint venture between Neusoft Group and Royal Dutch Philips. Established on May 24th 2004, it is based in Shenyang, Liaoning, China. PNMS develops and manufactures medical imaging systems and related components for both the domestic and global markets. PNMS’ four primary product lines are X-ray, MR, CT, and Ultrasound devices. Building on the technical excellence and market success of its parent companies, Philips and Neusoft Medical Systems is committed to designing and producing high-quality low-cost medical systems to improve the well-being of people around the world.
东软飞利浦医疗设备系统有限责任公司(PNMS)是由东软集团与荷兰皇家飞利浦共同出资组建的合资企业。PNMS成立于2004年5月24日,位于辽宁省沈阳市,以生产、研发包括X线、核磁共振、CT和超声设备等医疗影像系统和相关产品的部件为主要经营项目,产品同时销往国内和国际市场。借助于股东双方在市场上的成功经验及先进的技术优势, 东软飞利浦医疗设备系统有限责任公司致力于设计和制造高品质、低成本的医疗设备系统以改善人们的健康。
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