
发布时间:2009-11-11   作者:院研工办 访问量:



纬创软件成立于1992年,是世界一流ICT产品和服务ODM领导厂商纬创集团(前身是Acer DMS研制服务部门)麾下专营IT服务之旗舰公司。

纬创软件在金融、制造、电信、IT业中拥有众多知名客户,以广泛的技术和流程能力,帮助他们在技术和策略上达成目标。主要客户包括AppleIBMPSA Peugeot CitroenINGEricsson及其它许多全球知名企业。并在多年的深耕下,于大量的软件开发项目中累积全方位的经验,亦不断的培养及锻炼人员的技术与流程等专业能力。纬创软件在亚太市场拥有9个据点,以台北为营运总部,北京为亚太区营运中心,并在大连、 上海、武汉、广州、珠海、南京以及日本东京都设有据点。


§ 100083 中国北京市海淀区裸聊app 路35 世宁大厦101006

§ Tel. No.: +86-10-8231-8848 Fax No.: +86-10-8231-9281

§ //www.wistronits.com/ 招聘邮箱:[email protected]

联系人:王永贤 82318848-2202 [email protected]


STB R&D Engineer-Intern Job Description

l STB software development based on linux system

l Contribute your technical expertise to system architecture and software development engineers on Remote UI technologies

l Master’s degree or above in Computer Science and related degree is preferred.

n Fluent English language; Good communication capability;

n Familiar with C++ development;

n Experience with Webkit development; Experience with HTML programming;

n Familiar with Javascript programming

n Familiar with server side programming, such as PHP, ASP

n Familiar with Linux Plug-in programming

n Solid TCP/IP networking background and skilled in using Linux networking capabilities

n Familiar with Linux system, tools and open source manipulation

n Knowledge with client/server architecture

n Knowledge with DLNA/upnp network; Knowledge with http protocol

n Experience and potential in leadership and project management is a good plus