
国际制导、导航与控制学术会议(ICGNC)是目前国际最大的航空、航天、航海、陆地等运动体制导、导航与控制(GNC)领域的国际学术会议,每两年举办一次,已经成功举办11届。ICGNC 2026将集聚国内外高等院校、科研院所和工业部门的专家学者,探讨和交流GNC领域相关的学术和技术问题,并将邀请GNC领域的国际知名学者做大会特邀报告,会议还包括总师论坛、国家教学名师论坛、青年科学家论坛、会前报告、小组讨论、邀请组、口头报告、摘要报告和张贴报告等。
ICGNC 2026会议将于2026年8月7日-9日在桂林召开。本届会议由中国航空学会制导、导航与控制分会(CSAA TCGNC)、飞行器一体化控制全国重点实验室共同主办,虚拟现实技术与系统全国重点实验室、中国自动化学会导航制导与控制专业委员会(CAA TCNGC)、中国自动化学会无人飞行器自主控制专业委员会(CAA TCUASAC)、中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会(CAA TCCT)、中国自动化学会机器人智能专业委员会 (CAA TCRI)、中国自动化学会教育工作委员会(CAA EC)、《制导、导航与控制(英文)》编辑部技术协办,桂林航天工业裸聊app
本届会议英文论文将由 Springer 出版社的 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 系列正式出版(EI收录),部分优秀英文论文的扩展版将被推荐到《Guidance, Navigation and Control》国际期刊,录用的中文论文将被推荐到 《中国科学:技术科学》、《中国科学:信息科学》、 《航空学报》、《工程科学学报》、《系统工程与电子技术》、《智能系统学报》、《北京航空航天大学学报》、《南京航空航天大学学报》、《国防科技大学学报》、《上海交通大学学报》、《导航定位与授时》、《航空兵器》、《航空科学技术》等核心期刊。
欢迎为本届会议组织Special Session (中文稿和英文稿可在同一Session中混合)。热忱欢迎国内外相关研究领域同行踊跃投稿并参会!
会议语言:英文 / 中文
第1轮投稿截止日期: 2026年1月31日
第2轮投稿截止日期: 2026年3月29日
终稿截止日期: 2026年5月17日
注册截止日期: 2026年5月17日
唐仁林 北京市海淀区裸聊app
邮箱:[email protected]
2026 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC 2026)

The 2026 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC 2026) will be held in Guilin on August 7-9, 2026, following the successes of previous eleven events.
International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC) is a biennial event, which is also one of the leading events in Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC). ICGNC 2026 is sponsored by Technical Committee on Guidance, Navigation and Control (TCGNC), Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA), and National Key Laboratory of Aircraft Integrated Flight Control. It is technically co-sponsored by State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, Technical Committee on Navigation, Guidance and Control (TCNGC), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Technical Committee on Unmanned Aerial Systems Autonomous Control (TCUASAC), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Technical Committee on Robotics Intelligence (TCRI),Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), Education Committee(EC), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA),and《Guidance Navigation and Control》Editorial Office. ICGNC 2024 is organized by Guilin University of Aerospace Technology. The conference consists of pre-conference tutorials, plenary talks, chief designer forum, national famous teacher forum, panel discussions, invited sessions, oral sessions, abstract sessions, and poster sessions for academic exchanges.
The conference papers in English presented at the ICGNC 2026 will be published by Springer (indexed by EI-Compendex). Several best English papers of them will be selected for SCI-indexed Journals.
We sincerely welcome our colleagues worldwide to join us for this conference. We look forward to seeing you in Tianjin for this exciting event.
Conference Language: English / Chinese
Official Website: //icgnc.llapp18.com/
Important Dates:
1st round paper submission deadline: January 31, 2026
1st round Paper acceptance notification date: March 5, 2026
2nd round paper submission deadline: March 29, 2026
2nd round paper acceptance notification date: April 26, 2026
Final paper submission deadline: May 17, 2026
Registration deadline: May 17, 2026
Contact Information:
Prof. Renlin Tang, School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA), No.37, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, P. R. China
Tel: +86-10-82317318
Mob: +86-13621186338
E-mail: [email protected]